Te Lalem - Specialized Resource Home
Te Lalem (means "the house") started as a Sts’ailes specialized residential resource program in April 2008 through a collaborative partnership between Sts’ailes and MCFD to keep families together while parents learn to safely care for their children.
Parents and children are accepted into the program through a referral process. Length of stay is based on each family’s unique plan.
If you have any questions or would like to access any of the Te Lalem services, please feel free to contact our office:
Telephone: 604.796.1282 Email: snowoyelh.reception@stsailes.com
Te Lalem Application Forms
Karen Shields
Resource Director
T: 604.796.1282
e: karen.shields@stsailes.com
Zelda William
Resource Coordinator
T: 604.796.1282
E: zelda.william@stsailes.com
Susan Sommerville
Specialized Resource Worker
T: 604.796.1282
C: 604.735.3040
E: susan.sommerville@stsailes.com